After Peoples voted Rendang as
the most delicious food in the world, we thought it was time to give
Indonesia's culinary credentials some time in the limelight.
Here we run through a mouth-watering array of broth-soaked noodles, fiery curries, banana-wrapped fish and vegetable salads with sweet peanut dressing. Most of the recommended restaurants are in Jakarta, a magnet for Indonesians from all over the archipelago, who naturally brought their cuisine with them.
Dishes are not complete unless they have a hearty dollop of the
stuff, a combination of chilies, sharp fermented shrimp paste, tangy
lime juice, sugar and salt all pounded up with mortar and pestle.
So beloved is sambal, some restaurants have made it their main attraction, with options that include young mango, mushroom and durian.
Try the sambal at Pedas Abis (Waroeng Spesial Sambal; Jl.RM.Said No.39 Solo) or fresh sambal mata at Le Seminyak (Pacific Place, level 5; +62 (0)21 5140 0610)
Here we run through a mouth-watering array of broth-soaked noodles, fiery curries, banana-wrapped fish and vegetable salads with sweet peanut dressing. Most of the recommended restaurants are in Jakarta, a magnet for Indonesians from all over the archipelago, who naturally brought their cuisine with them.
1. Sambal
While technically more of a condiment, the chili-based sauce known as sambal is a staple at all Indonesian tables.
So beloved is sambal, some restaurants have made it their main attraction, with options that include young mango, mushroom and durian.
Try the sambal at Pedas Abis (Waroeng Spesial Sambal; Jl.RM.Said No.39 Solo) or fresh sambal mata at Le Seminyak (Pacific Place, level 5; +62 (0)21 5140 0610)
2. Satay

Whether it’s chicken, goat, mutton or rabbit, the scrappy morsels get marinated in turmeric, barbecued and then bathed in a hearty dose of peanut sauce.
Other nations now lay claim to sate, but Indonesians consider it a national dish conceived by street vendors and popularized by Arab traders.
Each vendor seeks distinction, but "sate madura" –- served with rice cakes (ketupat) and diced cucumber and onion -– is distinguished by its boat-shaped street carts.
For legendary satay that dates to the 1950s, try Sate Ragusa (Jl. Veteran 1 No. 10) and cleanse the palate after with Ragusa’s signature spaghetti ice cream.
3. Bakso

It takes on many forms; meatballs –- springy or rubbery, the size of golf balls or bigger -– are made from chicken, beef, pork or some amorphous combination of them all. Sold mostly from pushcarts called kaki lima, bakso comes garnished with fried shallots, boiled egg and wontons.
For an authentic experience, grab a plastic stool near any sidewalk bakso stand or slurp away indoors at Bakso Lapangan Tembak Senayan, near Senayan City Mall.
4. Soto

Common street versions are made of a simple, clear soup flavored with chicken, goat or beef. In Jakarta, home of the indigenous Betawi, soto Betawi garners fame with its sweet, creamy, coconut-milk base.
Top it with crispy shallots and fried garlic, and as much or little sambal as your taste buds can take.
For stylish street food in air-conditioned bliss hit up Kafe Betawi (Jl. MH. Thamrin No. 1, Grand Indonesia; +62 (0)21 2358 0501). Or for an East Javanese version, try Soto Madura (Jl. Juanda No.16).
5. Nasi goreng

To add an element of fun to your dining experience, try nasi gila (literally :crazy rice") and see how many different kinds of meat you can find buried among the grains –- yes, those are hot dog slices.
For a perfect oil-slicked entrée head to Menteng Plaza (Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto), where a gaggle of kaki limas and buskers provide entertainment.
6. Gado-gado

As a food, however, it is one of Indonesia’s best-known dishes, essentially a vegetable salad bathed in the country’s classic peanut sauce.
At its base are boiled long beans, spinach, potato, corn, egg and bean sprouts coupled with cucumber, tofu and tempe.
Gado-gado gets sweeter as you travel eastward through Indonesia -- but Jakartans swear by the cashew sauce at Gado-Gado Boplo (Jalan Panglima Polim 4; +62 (0)21 724 8334).
7. Nasi uduk

It almost always includes fried chicken, boiled eggs and tempe (soybean cake) with anchovies and is topped with emping (melinjo nut crackers).
It’s cheap, fast and popular among lunchtime crowds.
Nearly four decades old and still going strong Nasi Uduk Babe Saman (Kebon Kacang 9; +62 (0)21 314 1842) packs in everyone from students to celebrities morning, noon and night.
8. Nasi padang

Chose from among more than a dozen dishes -- goopy curries with floating fish heads or rubbery cow’s feet -- stacked up on your table. “It always looks so dead,” a friend once said.
Indeed, otak (brain) leaves little to the imagination. Chuck away the cutlery and dig in with your hands then wash the spice away with a sweet iced tea.
Try out any Sederhana or head for Garuda Nasi Padang; Jl. Gajah Mada, Medan, Sumatra.
9. Ayam goreng

Variations on that chain have cropped up across the country -- rumor has it that Wong Solo was founded by a polygamist, so franchisees must have multiple wives.
For a famed old recipe try Ayam Goreng Nyona Suharti (Jl. Kapten Tendean No. 13; +62 (0)21 525 4595).
Carb load, Indonesian style.
10. Bakmie goreng
Noodles compete with rice for carbohydrate of choice in Indonesia, ranging from broad and flat (kwetiau) to scrawny vermicelli (bihun).The best are bakmie -- pencil-thin and, in this case, fried with egg, meat and vegetables. Vendors add their own special spices for distinction, but the iconic Bakmie Gajah Mada garners a cult following.
More modern outlets now make noodles from spinach and beets.
Bakmie Gang Mangga (Jl. Kemurnian IV/0) gives diners an in to the cool hangouts in the old city, but only after 5 p.m. For an earlier version, try Bakmie GM on Jl. Sunda No.9 (+62 021 390 3018).
11. Gudeg

Other spices are thrown into the mix but teak leaves give it a brown coloring. Like nasi uduk, it is served with rice, boiled egg, chicken and crispy, fried beef skin.
Adem Ayem (Jl. Slamet Riyadi No. 342) in Solo is a landmark, and for good reason.
12. Rawon

The soup base also mingles with garlic, shallots, ginger, turmeric and red chili to make it nice and spicy.
The most famous variant, Rawon Setan (literally Devil’s soup) is found in Surabaya (Jl. Embong Malang).
13. Pecel lele

Served with rice and red and green sambal, this is simple street fare that fills the belly, which may be why it’s a standout across Jakarta.
If you want to go native, head to Bakmie GM near Sarinah Mall and look for the “Pecel Lele” banner that shields diners from the street as they dig into the sweet, grilled meat.
14. Opor ayam

A little like a mild, slightly chalky curry with less prep time required, it’s filled with Indonesia’s signature spices -- garlic, ginger, cumin and coriander.
To see how mom makes it, check out Ibu Endang Warung (Jl. Cipete Raya opposite Epilogue).
15. Mie ayam

Chives and sambal add extra flavor -- but if it’s done right little else is needed. Unlike most Indonesian cuisine, where the secret is in the sauce, the clue to a good mie ayam is the perfect al dente noodle.
Bakmie Orpha (Jl. Malaka II No. 25; +62(0)21 691 2450), a hole in the wall in west Jakarta, draws Ferrari-owning clientele for its deceivingly tasty mie and wontons.
16. Babi guling

The Balinese respect their food and lavish attention on its preparation. Before spit-roasting the pig they bath it in coconut water and rub it with chili, turmeric, garlic and ginger to ensure succulence.
See why people fly from Jakarta to scarf the crispy skinned pork at Warung Ibu Oka (Jl Suweta, Ubud), but be sure to get there before 3 p.m.
17. Gulai

Indonesian curries have regional variations that depend on the types of meat and fish available -- though gulai almost always incorporates cinnamon. Opor and rendang can be considered gulais, but better to try out the rainbow of other options.
For a tangy fish-head curry, try Pagi-Sore, a national franchise that hails from Sumatra (Jl. Pondok No. 143, Padang).
18. Bubur ayam

Outside Java variations can include corn, cassava and fish, while a sweeter version -- for those who prefer not to start their day with a blast of chili -- is made with mung beans.
Bubur ayam is also popular in the wee hours of the morning. Join the late-night revelers at Bubur Ayam Mang Oyo, Jl. Sulanjana (near Gasibu), Bandung.
19. Bakpao

Vendors often line busy roads during rush hour to offer these fluffy meat-filled buns to hungry passersby in need of a snack. Sweet offerings include chocolate and green bean, indicated by a colored dot on top.
No need to go in search of them, they’ll find you.
20. Asinan sayur

The secret is in the dressing, a thin peanut sauce swirled with palm sugar to offset the salty snap of preserved mustard leaf, carrot, cabbage and cucumber. The krupuk cracker crunch comes from a yellow disc made with egg noodles.
Yaya has been serving up bowls of Asinan for 22 years outside the iconic Ragusa Ice Cream shop (Jl. Veteran 1 No. 10.) He also makes a mean dried-squid salad called juhi.
21. Cah kangkung

Because it grows well in any kind of soil, it is a common ingredient in dishes throughout Asia. Here the cah indicates its Chinese origins.
Try it along with gurame at Santika, Jl. Bendungan Hilir across from the market.
22. Pepes ikan

When matched with tuna the result is a dense, fiery dish that holds its distinct flavors, but should be eaten gingerly.
Beautika (Jl. Hang Lekir No. 1; +62 (0)21 722 6683) does it best by dousing it in chili and placing pepper icons on the menu – the three-pepper maximum has serious attitude.
23. Pempek

Now a Palembang specialty, pempek or empek-empek comes in a variety of shapes and sizes.
The most famed, kapal selam, literally submarine, contains a chicken egg and is rumored to be the most nutritious form of the spongy dough balls, which are sprinkled with shrimp powder and served with cuka, a dark dipping sauce made from vinegar, chili and sugar.
Try Pempek Wak Ayah Lemak at Kebon Sirih, Palembang.
24. Perkadel

A distant relative of Dutch minced-meat frikandel, these croquettes are either potato based and filled with beef or made from corn (perkadel jagung).
In Bandung, crowds line up late night in seedy alleyways to snack on potato fritters made soft from frying in hot oil.
For a fluffier version filled with Balinese spices try Le Semenyak (Pacific Place, level 5; +62 (0)21 5140 0610).
25. Martabak

The sweet version looks more like a pancake filled with gooey chocolate, peanuts or cheese, while the savory one is made from crispy pulled pastry like filo that is flattened in a wok as egg and minced meats are rapidly folded in.
Served with pickled cucumber and a sweet and sour vinegar.
Martabak Ayah; Jl TWK Mohd Daudsyah, Banda Aceh.
26. Sayur asem
This clear, refreshing soup derived from tamarind pairs well with fried food since it’s stocked with vegetables and some of Indonesia’s most interesting ingredients: melinjo, bilimbi, chayote.A very close relative called sayur lodeh is made with coconut milk and has a sweeter flavor.
Counterintuitively, this West Javanese dish is great at Warung Surabaya (Jl. DR. Abdul Rachman Saleh).
27. Sop buntut

The high-end version -- now the domain of Indonesia’s diplomatic corps -- uses imported Australian beef, 7,000 kilograms a month to be precise, and comes complete with steamed rice, pickles, lime and sambal.
For a less pretentious outlet, try Sop Buntut Bogor Café (Pacific Place Mall, level 5; +62 (0)21 5797 3238).
28. Ketoprak

It rounds out the quintet of pestle-and-mortar-based dishes that include gado-gado and pecel, and is a simple street dish that tastes mostly of peanuts and spice but is chockfull of carbohydrates.
Any street vendor will do, but to stave off a funny tummy try Gado-Gado Kartika (Jl. Pinang Emas III; +62 (0)21 750
29. Balado terong

Nothing more than grilled purple eggplant topped with heaps of chili sauce made from dried shrimp paste (balacan), it calls for a substantial portion of rice to even out the fire-engine flavor.
Enjoy the low-light ambiance at Seribu Rasa (Jl. Haji Agus Salim 128; +62 (0)21 392 8892), which delights in the use of balacan.
30. Lontong sayur

It serves as the base for this savory morning favorite, a coconut-milk curry made with young papaya, soy-braised tofu and hard-boiled eggs.
Crushed up krupuk add a little crunch to get you going.
Pak Sule draws a crowd to his street stand outside the ANZ building on Jl. Gatot Subroto before 10 a.m.
31. Rendang

Its secret is in the gravy, which wraps around the beef for hours until, ideally, it’s splendidly tender.
A dried version, which can be kept for months (like jerky) is reserved for honored guests and important celebrations.
If you stop by Sederhana (Jl. Gandaria Tengah III No. 23; +62 (0)21 725 0172) for Padang, you can’t let this plate pass you by.
32. Tahu Gejrot

Tofu is a poor man’s snack, but that also makes it prevalent. Keep an eye out for the vendors who cart stacks of the fluffy fried tofu from devices slung across their shoulders.
For a version steeped in sweet soy sauce and chili and served in a pestle and mortar, head to Menteng Plaza (Jl. HOS Cokrominoto).
33. Sop kambing

A robust soup with a yellow broth full of celery, tomato, and great chunks of goat meat, this dish could make the Campbell’s soup man quiver. Be warned if you have high blood pressure since the dish will heat you up.
Ginger, lime leaf, candlenut and spring onion give it peppery smell that adds to its refreshingly earthy flavor.
Try Sop Kaki Kambing (Jl. Kendal) nestled in among a stretch of roadside eateries.
34. Siomay

A complete portion comes with a steamed potato, cabbage, egg, and bitter gourd, and is served with a boiled peanut sauce similar to gado-gado.
Perhaps Indonesia’s most ubiquitous traveling street food, the best way to dine on siomay is from a bicycle vendor, who carts his large steamer around on the back of his bike.
For the less health-inclined, an alternative to siomay is batagor, which is fried instead of steamed.
Siomay Pak Lili at Jl. Geger Kalong Girang, Bandung.
35. Ikan bakar

While squid and prawns have a place in Indonesian cuisine, ikan bakar gets a far better showing for a fleshy texture that is great for dipping.
It is usually marinated in the typical trove of spices and served with a soy and chili-based sauce.
Try the gurame, a Sundanese star, at Ikan Bakar Cianjur (Jl. Cipete Raya No. 35; +62 (0)21 7590 0222).
36. Daun papaya

This dish is common in Manado, but regional variations have made it popular among the leaf-and-seed-eating crowd, a big bunch in Indonesia.
For a crisp version head to Bumbu Desa (Jl. Suryo No. 38; +62 (0)21 720 1244).
37. Otak-otak

Indigenous Sumatrans eat it with red chili mixed with fermented soy sauce, but in Jakarta it is served with Java’s ubiquitous peanut sauce.
Pick a few small parcels up from any bicycle vendor, or dine in style at Harum Manis (Jl. Mas Mansyur No. 26; +62 (0)21 5794 1727), where the delicate fish flavor goes down well with Indonesian-styled ice cream.
38. Bebek goreng

Too often fried duck comes as a mass of tiny bones and overly fried oily meat. That doesn’t make it any less worthy of the top 40, though.
At the dramatic Dapur Babah (Jl. Veteran no. 18-19, Jakarta; +62 (0)21 385 5653), duck comes marinated in galangal sauce and topped with shredded ginger.
For a less fussy version, check out Bebek Bengil (Jl. Hanoman, Bali; +62 (0)361 975 489).
39. Gorengan

Street carts typically offer crispy golden nuggets of tempe, cassava and tofu, as well as fried bananas, sweet potatoes, vegetables fritters made from shredded carrot, cabbage and bean sprouts and fermented soybean cakes.
Stop by any kaki lima and walk away with an oil-stained news-wrapping topped with a handful of green chili.
40. Indomie

That makes instant-noodle Indomie beloved by all. Sold at grocery stores, village mom and pop shops and even from the basket of bicycles, Indomie calls for nothing more than hot water and a packet of chemical-induced flavoring before it’s ready to fill one’s tummy.
Found: everywhere. Taste: unforgettable.
Source :
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